Factors When Designing Modern Applications Part 3

Marco Susilo
2 min readJul 1, 2024

When designing modern applications or software-as-a-service (SaaS) apps a multi step methodology can be utilised to ensure ideal/best practices are maintained during development.

Photo by luca fantini on Unsplash

This article is Part 3 of a 4 Part series outlining the methods modern applications can use during development. The methodology can be used when developing applications regardless of the choice of programming language and back end service. In this article the third 3 methods are outlined and discussed.


Modern applications should be self contained and not depend on other run time or execution environments. For example if there is a web app, the application should make its service available via a port and also listen to incoming requests from another port. If your application is not a web app you can still bind processes to ports.


When architecting modern apps, developers should assign each work load of an app to a process type. For example, data tasks will be processed via a data process. By designing in this way, if there is a need to scale out this is possible by adding more workers to that process as well as additional resources if required.

Start Ups and Shut Downs

By design processes of modern applications should be disposable and not impact other processes or the application itself. This is a requirement for it to be scalable.

Start times should be as fast as possible and shut down’s should be handled and managed accordingly.

Modern web applications should also be able to handle situations where there is a system failure and be able to manage and resolve itself in these situations.



Marco Susilo

A Kaggle expert, certified Machine Learning Specialist AWS, passionate about cloud, analytics and technology. Founder of PassionIT (https://www.passionit.tech)